10 Reasons Why Builders & Remodelers Fail to Grow: This Is What’s Holding Your Business Back

Running a successful building or remodeling business takes more than hard work and craftsmanship. While many builders and remodelers are incredibly skilled in their trade, growth often stalls for reasons that have little to do with hands-on work. From not having a clear vision to lacking a marketing machine, there are consistent pitfalls that prevent construction businesses from scaling up.

In this blog, we’ll explore the “10 Reasons Why Builders & Remodelers Fail to Grow,” based on insights from our Founder & Lead Coach, Randy Stanbury's latest book. This guide will not only highlight the challenges but also provide actionable steps to overcome each one. Let’s dive in!

Reason #1: Lack of a Clear Vision

Why It’s a Problem:
A dream without a plan is just a wish. Many builders and remodelers have ambitions, but very few translate those ambitions into a clear, actionable vision. Without clarity on where you want your business to go, daily tasks can become reactive rather than strategic.

Actionable Steps:

  • Define Your Niche: Narrow down your market segment to focus your efforts effectively.
  • Set SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Relevant, and Time-bound goals are key to making progress.
  • Develop a Forward Plan: Lay out clear steps needed to reach your vision.
  • Engage Your Team: Ensure your team understands and buys into your vision and goals.

Key Takeaway:
Your vision isn’t just a lofty dream—it needs to be concrete, measurable, and actionable. A clear vision guides you, your team, and your clients toward success.

Reason #2: Lack of Business Savvy

Why It’s a Problem:
Being good at building doesn’t automatically make you good at running a business. Builders who stay "in the field" without stepping into the role of entrepreneurial leadership often get stuck managing daily operations without driving strategic growth.

Actionable Steps:

  • Lead First, Manage Second: Focus on inspiring your team rather than micromanaging tasks.
  • Embrace Systems: Streamline your business with proven processes and automation.
  • Invest in Continuous Learning: Always look for opportunities to learn more about business, finance, and management.
  • Engage a Coach: A business coach can help you stay accountable and improve your business acumen.

Key Takeaway:
To grow, you need to be both a great builder and a savvy businessperson. Elevate your leadership and strategic thinking to set your business on the path to success.

Read above to understand how a shift in your business mindset and access to a community of likeminded Builders and Remodelers can completely change your life and business like it did for Bertin.

Reason #3: Lack of Financial Mastery

Why It’s a Problem:
A builder who doesn’t understand their financials is like a pilot flying blind. Without financial mastery, you can’t steer your business toward profitability or sustainability.

Actionable Steps:

  • Embrace Financial Literacy: Learn how to read financial statements like P&Ls and balance sheets.
  • Know Your Numbers: Track key financial indicators and ensure you’re always aware of your cash flow.
  • Monitor KPIs: Set up systems to regularly review your financial key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Seek Mentorship: Get advice from financially savvy mentors to help make informed decisions.

Key Takeaway:
Understanding your business’s financial health is essential to making informed decisions and driving growth. Learn your numbers, and keep them at the forefront of every decision.

I'll leave you with this quote that we've witnessed change many lives,
“We were not taught financial literacy in school. It takes a lot of work
and time to change your thinking and to become financially literate.”

— Robert Kiyosaki

Reason #4: Lack of Pricing Mastery

Why It’s a Problem:
Many builders underprice their projects, not accounting for all costs involved. This leaves money on the table and can sink a business before it ever scales. Pricing should reflect true costs, including labor, materials, overhead, and profit.

Actionable Steps:

  • Know Markup vs. Margin: Understand the difference between these two key metrics.
  • Calculate True Labor Costs: Determine your full labor burden to accurately price your services.
  • Charge for Project Management: Don’t absorb these costs—charge them as part of your cost of goods sold (COGS).
  • Compare Estimates to Actuals: Regularly check your estimates against actual costs to refine your pricing strategies.

Key Takeaway:
Mastering pricing is essential for profitability. Ensure that your pricing reflects real costs and accounts for growth.


Download our Complete Pricing Guide here to get started on mastering your pricing strategy.

It's packed with the necessary formulas, tools and video explanations so you can start pricing with real confidence.

Reason #5: Lack of Time Mastery

Why It’s a Problem:
Time is one of the most valuable yet limited resources in business. Without effective time management, you’re bound to feel like you’re constantly playing catch-up, leaving little room for growth-oriented activities.

Actionable Steps:

  • Value Your Time: Identify the tasks that give you the highest return on investment (ROI) and focus on them.
  • Delegate Effectively: Offload lower-value tasks to team members so you can focus on big-picture strategies.
  • Time Blocking: Use time blocking to structure your days and ensure productivity.
  • Systematize Everything: Systems can save you hours of wasted time on repetitive or mundane tasks.

Key Takeaway:
Master your time to unlock the potential for growth. Implement systems and delegate effectively to free up time for strategic tasks.

Speaking of time.. This may be the right time for you to book a call with Randy where help can help you take the time to work on your business and not just in it!

Reason #6: Lack of Systems Mastery

Why It’s a Problem:
Growth becomes unsustainable if your business relies on you being present for every decision. A lack of well-defined systems means inefficiencies and wasted time, preventing scalability.

Actionable Steps:

  • Document SOPs: Standard operating procedures (SOPs) should exist for every process in your business.
  • Leverage Software: Use technology to automate and streamline your processes.
  • Measure Implementation: Regularly review your systems and optimize them as needed.

Key Takeaway:
Systems aren’t just for large corporations—they are essential for small businesses looking to scale. A well-run system ensures consistency and frees you up to focus on growth.

Remember, building systems takes time and effort!
Set manageable goals and tackle them one at a time.

Reason #7: Lack of Team Mastery

Why It’s a Problem:
A business is only as strong as its team. Without a clear strategy for hiring, training, and retaining talent, you’ll struggle to grow past a certain point. In particular, hiring "C-players" out of necessity rather than strategy can severely damage your business.

Actionable Steps:

  • Build a Team Pipeline: Develop a talent pipeline to ensure you always have access to top-tier talent.
  • Invest in A-Players: Invest in your team as an asset, not a cost.
  • Develop Hiring Systems: Create a structured hiring process to avoid rushed decisions.

Key Takeaway:
Your team is your greatest asset. Develop a recruitment, hiring, and training system to build a team of A-players that can help you grow.

EXCLUSIVE BONUS Tools to Download:

Employee Evaluator

Employee Success System Checklist

Reason #8: Lack of Key Metrics

Why It’s a Problem:
You can’t improve what you don’t measure. Without clear, measurable metrics, it’s impossible to know if you’re making progress or falling behind.

Actionable Steps:

  • Set KPIs: Identify and track the most important metrics for your business.
  • Create Scorecards: Use scorecards to monitor key metrics in real-time.
  • Forecast the Future: Use historical data to make informed predictions and set new goals.

Key Takeaway:
To grow your business, you need to track your progress. Set ambitious but measurable goals and create systems to review them regularly.

Reason #9: Lack of a Marketing Machine

Why It’s a Problem:
Too many builders treat marketing like a gamble—a slot machine—rather than a systematic, reliable vending machine. Without a consistent flow of leads, growth stagnates.

Actionable Steps:

  • Build a Revenue-Generating Website: Your website should be your best sales tool, converting visitors into leads.
  • Leverage Social Media: Utilize social media platforms to reach your target audience.
  • Invest in SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) is key to improving your visibility and attracting local clients.

Key Takeaway:
A strong marketing machine delivers consistent, high-quality leads. Focus on building a strategy that works around the clock to attract new business.

Reason #10: Lack of a Sales System

Why It’s a Problem:
You might get leads, but without a solid sales system, those leads won’t convert into paying clients. A well-structured sales process is the difference between chasing sales and closing deals.

Actionable Steps:

  • Identify Your Ideal Client: Know who you’re targeting and tailor your message to their needs.
  • Use a CRM: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems help you manage leads effectively and build relationships.
  • Utilize Sales Tools: Use pitch decks, case studies, and other materials to create perceived value and close deals at higher price points.
To dive deeper into building an effective sales system, get a copy of my book, "The Elite Builders Sales System," available on Amazon.

Key Takeaway:
A robust sales system allows you to turn prospects into loyal clients efficiently. Develop a repeatable sales process to grow your client base and revenue.

The Elite Builders Sales System is your golden ticket to making a Fortune and not just a Living! Buy Today.

Growth in the building and remodeling industry requires more than good craftsmanship. To scale your business successfully, you need to master vision, financials, systems, teams, and more. By addressing these 10 common pitfalls, you’ll be well on your way to building a business that grows, thrives, and stands the test of time.

At 4 Level Coach, our programs are specifically design to help you do exactly that.. Book a Call with Randy here for a Complete Business Assessment/ 10-Point Diagnostic, where we can find out where the wholes in your boat are and finally get you off that hamster wheel to experience real growth in your business.

P.S. If you haven't already ordered your copy of "10 Reasons Why Builders & Remodelers Fail To Grow," Randy's book that covers all the 10 Reasons in more detail... now is the perfect time to do so.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your business and unlock the growth and scalability you deserve.

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